Accounting Services for Small Businesses

Our signature package is designed for businesses that are ready to grow and are looking for hands-on support from an outsourced finance function that feels like an extension of your team

We deliver this through our four step PIMS framework to maximise your business growth and profits as your Fully Outsourced Finance Function

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We work through your vision and map out where you are now and where you want to be and together we'll put together a plan for how you'll get there and your financial forecasts.

Image of a cogs with arrows in a clockwise direction  with implement it written underneath

This involves making sure that all your financial data is flowing properly so you have all the info you need, in the right place at the right time.

image of a growth chart with measure it underneath

We'll work through the most effective measures for your business and you'll get your own bespoke Scorecard or Dashboard to ensure you stay on track

an open hand supporting a steady cog with support it written underneath

We'll work closely with you to proactively support your plan. With monthly reports and quarterly meetings.

Financial Management and Business Advisory

Picture o ffounder of the business in a pink dress, holding a finance meeting and making the meeting engaging and fun

Cashflow Forecasting and Management

Do you know how much cash you need next month or whether you can afford that Capital purchase this month?I can work with you to understand the key drivers and timing of your cash flow to produce forecasts that can give you this information and then measure the actual cashflows against this. I can also help you look at your costs to see where savings can be made to improve both profitability and cash flow.Together we can identify those clients that are not paying as quickly as they should be and look at credit control methods to improve the time scales. We can discuss what options are available if cash flows are looking tight over a certain period.

Financial Analysis

Do you know how healthy your business is financially? 

Customer, Product and Project Profitability

Did you know that your biggest client isn’t always your most profitable? Do you know which is your most profitable product is? Why is this useful? Well if you know this, then you know where to focus your sales strategies, but also you can identify those products that are not as profitable and work on a plan to increase the profitability on these. This financial analysis can also be applied to customers and projects. I would work with you to really understand your customer base and product offering to help with your overall business strategy. 

Maximise Profit

Through detailed financial analysis and working together to understand your business we can work towards maximising your profit.

Implement and Tighten Controls

Why is financial control so important? For many reasons, to name a few - avoid fraud, to ensure financial data is accurate and enable the business to make decisions. As your business grows the processes and controls within the business need to evolve. I would work with you to ensure the controls are adequate from the outset, but also ensure they continue to be relevant and adequate as your business grows.

Management Accounts

The purpose of these are to produce monthly information to enable you to manage your business and make key financial decisions easily. They can be prepared quarterly or monthly. If you only produce accounts once a year to enable you to calculate tax, it is difficult for you to make key financial decisions within the year. 

Recruit, Train and Mentor Financial Employees

As your business grows you may decide that you want to recruit staff to have an internal finance department. I can help you find the right person/people for your business.  The benefit of using me rather than a typical recruitment agency is that I would understand your business, the culture and having worked each part of the finance department I know exactly what needs to be done in a finance department for a small and growing business. Once recruited I would be able to then work with them and be an ongoing mentor.

Set Growth Targets and Measurement Tools

Target setting and measurement are important to the growth process of a business. Putting performance measurement systems in place allows you to measure the progress and gives you feedback on what is happening now and help you with further target setting for growth.

Budgets and Forecasting

If you have budgets and forecasts in place you are better equipped in advance to deal with financial situations that may occur. For example, whether you should invest in that piece of machinery, or take on that additional employee, or if you know which months are tricky from a cashflow perspective you can reorganise spending to avoid cashflow problems.

Identify and Report on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are measures that are used to gain an understanding of the business. They could be how many new clients have been brought on board in the month, or how long on average clients are taking to pay, or the growth in revenue. I would work with you to understand what the drivers for your business are and what is important for us to regularly measure. By setting KPIs the company can understand and therefore make decisions about the business.

Business Plans

It is so important to have a business plan, its lays out your vision of the future and how are you going to get there. I can work with you to produce this. For a small business the business plan needs to be continually reviewed and adapted where necessary. It is no good to take the time to write a business plan and then put it in a drawer. I would work with you to review and measure where you are against the original business plan and keep updating it.

A Sounding Board

It can be lonely as an entrepreneur. There are not always many people that you can share ideas and discuss business issues with. I have over 20 years’ experience of working with entrepreneurs and I can provide an understanding ear and be a sounding board.

Accounting Software Selection, Implementation and Training

Your business may reach the stage where it will be more cost effective for your own staff to use an accounting package rather than using external bookkeepers.I have worked with quite a few accounting systems, TAS, Sage, Sun Accounting, bespoke, Tax Calc and Xero. I can work with you to make sure you have the right system in place for your organisation. As a practice we generally work with Xero and Dext, but we will make sure you have the system that works best for your business.

Financial Due Diligence for Investment Projects and Mergers and Acquisitions

It can be exciting and daunting at the same time to review investment projects. I can review projects and discuss the pros and cons with you. I can also review the financials for any possible mergers and acquisitions.

Training and Financial Education

We can work with you with all kinds of training and financial education, whether thats understanding your financials, or training your team to implement a sound financial management system and understanding the reporting. What ever your requirements we can tailor a training package around this.

We currently offer 1-1 training sessions and will soon be also offering small group workshops and online downloadable training sessions. Watch this space!

pink piggy bank sitting in a mini shopping trolley

Ready to take the stress out of finance?

Fiona Brownlee working on a laptop looking like she's achieved something

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Fiona Brownlee


A-Z of allowable business expenses

Download your A-Z guide of allowable business expenses.

Financial Housekeeping For Your Small Business

Download your guide to Financial Housekeeping For Your Small Business - ideal for start ups and early stage businesses

How to Scale Up your Business: Tips and Strategies for Success

Download your guide to How to Scale up your Business - ideal for slightly more established businesses that want to grow and scale their business

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Accounting, Bookkeeping and Business Advisory in Dorking Surrey RH4 2JF


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